Saturday 15 September 2012

Gawad Kalinga care and share, we must care and share, you have to care and share, be an advocate of Gawad Kalinga!

I have dreamt for a big house, a mansion indeed but when I got the chance to stepped into an Aeta’s community I’m ashamed to them because this people, just simply wish and dream for the so called “Home.”  And that is the mission of Gawad Kalinga, to build homes for the homeless, land for the landless, and food for the hungry. Gawad Kalinga is the hope of our nation, the channel to uplift the lives of our countrymen who are deprived of their humane rights; the rights to have a home, to own a land, and to restore their dignity.

One of my best December is when I have attended GK 2009.  I was encouraged by Ate Jill, our Chapter Head in SFC Qatar.  At first, I have had a second thought because the time that I’m going to spend with my family will be lessen for that trip because the GK site in Tarlac is very far from Bohol.  My parents were not even happy about the idea because they are afraid I will not be able to come back and spend New Year’s Eve with them.  I also had hesitations myself but I have convinced them to let me go.  Yet at the end, it was all worth it and there were no regrets at all.  I have attended GK build in Tarlac all the way from Bohol.  
We have stayed for two days and one night.  On our first day, we were able to finish three foundations of a house under the heat of the sun.  It was a very tiring day, we carry and filed hallow blocks, we shake heavy cement and sand “at talagang nagbanat ng buto.”  But when you will see the twinkle in the eyes of those children there, I will tell you “all our labors have been paid off.” And we can proudly say that we are part of their homes, we just shared our sweats and labor of our love.

We also had a chance to mingle and play with the children on our second day and the happiness was incomparable.   One day, I will go back again to experience their joy and share with their laughter.  Those children are deprived of all the luxuries this world can offer yet you can see contentment in their eyes, a piece of bread or a shirt can bring smile to their faces.  Yes, they only have simple wish, simple dreams and simple living.  Gawad Kalinga opened up my eyes and made me appreciate all the things that I have.  I’m raised from a poor family, but I never thought that there are still poorer than us, even poorest of the poor.   
Just then I have realized how blessed I am, how blessed you are for being privileged enough to enjoy all the comforts in life.  Despite all that, we can still see different faces of greediness in our society. GK renewed me not only emotionally but also spiritually, it helps unleashed the selfishness in me.  And makes me believe that God send us to places, meet certain people and let us experienced things that will awaken and made us realized our real purpose on earth.  It has been said “we are where God wants us to be.” 

Gawad Kalinga is a breakthrough in our country, it gives hope, changes lives, and changes hearts.  It even influenced my outlook in life that we should impart ourselves to others, our time, and our resources because it’s a blessing from God and it will never be a blessing unless it is being shared.  We need to be aware of others concern, we have to learn to embrace our responsibility for our community and the society where we belong.  And I can say that in my own little way I was able to be part of GK and it’s your turn to share yourself to those people who needed it most and Gawad Kalinga is one of the best way to do so.   
We must join hands to improve the quality living of our brothers and sisters through Gawad Kalinga, and we have to strengthen our faith that we can attain a better country to live in.   
Gawad Kalinga care and share, we must care and share, you have to care and share, be an advocate of Gawad Kalinga!

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