Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Pad & Pen

My Pad & Pen

It have been a trusted friend.
It keeps secret,it knows my deepest thoughts.

I share my heartaches, problems, laughter & all my flaws.

Its ready all the time without complain & fears.      Sometimes, I've even shed it with tears.
It's just there waiting when I've no one to talk to,& I've nothing else to do.

It's there when my words are hard to be spoken, when my feelings are really broken.

It's there when love are over flowing, & life is so fulfilling!



  1. woot woot!!! nice char, keep on blogging :)

  2. now you can share your thoughts through your blog as well, nice right? hehe

    1. yeah, its nice! i can really share my thoughts,..ill post all my write-ups later
